Read Books This will provide a list of the books I've read with a brief review. Users are blocked, contact me for access. I welcome discussions, but I'm tired of spam.

February 22, 2024

The Celtic World by Jennifer Paxton

Filed under: History — Tags: , — Randolph @ 5:20 pm

This is an interesting and thorough history of the Celtic people as best understood by historians of the period. It starts by tracing the movement of people into Ireland and Scotland from Europe, discussing motivations and culture as best we know. Dr. Paxton is in the History Dept. at the Catholic University of America.

The presentation includes maps and images of artifacts of the Celtic peoples.

February 9, 2024

Norse Mythology by Neil Gaimon

Filed under: Fantasy — Tags: — Randolph @ 2:11 pm

This book tells a few select stories from Norse mythology. Neil Gaimon brings a well-told and enjoyable story to what I’ve found to be a usually stale telling.

This tells some of the more common stories and involves all the more familiar gods and giants as well as a few other key ones. The book provides a good overview of Norse mythology.

February 1, 2024

Send In The Tort Lawyer$-A Legal Farce by T C Morrison

Filed under: Humor — Tags: , — Randolph @ 4:32 pm

This is the third book in a series, Pap and Pup Peters. Pap and Pup are brothers and tort lawyers looking for class action suits to line their pockets. The situational humor that drives the plot and the courtroom antics are amusing. However the author has to make one-line jokes about people’s names, companies and places that really get in the way of enjoyment. The one-liners were amusing at first, but by page two they just started to get annoying.
There is a good story in there, but they missed it by a bit.

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