Read Books This will provide a list of the books I've read with a brief review. Users are blocked, contact me for access. I welcome discussions, but I'm tired of spam.

June 29, 2011

The Pirates! In an Adventure with Communists by Gideon Defoe

Filed under: Uncategorized — Randolph @ 9:32 am

The Pirates! In an Adventure with Communists by Gideon Defoe

For the first portion of this book, it felt like a rehash of old jokes from the previous novels. However, once the Pirate Captain gets entwined with Karl Marx, the book really picked up.

In this adventure, the pirates explore London and Paris in disguise and the Pirate Captain gets an opportunity to show his expertise in the French language. The Pirate Captain manages to land an endorsement from Perkin’s Gentlemen’s Pomade which provides him with ample supplies of the pomade. The book explores pirate philosophies as Karl Marx and the Pirate Captain get involved in a philosophical competition, and the captain gets to share his wit with the elite Frenchmen.

All jolly fun, but someone is trying to sabotage Marx’s reputation and discredit him. So the adventure takes a turn.

This is a great adventure and a quick read.

June 21, 2011

The Athlete’s Clock by Thomas W. Rowland, MD

Filed under: Sports — Randolph @ 9:35 pm

The Reading Group Handbook by Rachel W. Jacobsohn

This book is about the human clock, about timing at a conscious and unconscious level. Dr. Rowland looks at a number of timing events from breath and footwork in running to throwing a football at a moving receiver. In each case, he looks at the data objectively and draws his conclusions.

During his analysis, he looks at biorhythms and different aspects of training to evaluate the best training times and methods, the best times for events, and whether it is better to save energy until later or expend it in a flash.

Early in the book, the author suggests that his own belief is that most of our timing is left to the subconscious, but he does a good job of presenting alternate views and not really pushing any conclusions. Later in the book, this issue seems to be lost. The last chapter, entitled Aging and Sports Performance, hardly touches on this theme at all, and felt quite different from the rest of the book. Overall, the book didn’t quite feel like it had a unifying theme.

In spite of the minor shortcomings, the book is full of interesting information. It would be a valuable read for anyone planning to enter training for the first time, and an interesting read for anyone interested in sports.

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